Yes. There are two following scholarships that you can apply for, and the total amount is 1,000,000 JPY.
1)Ritsumeikan University College of Global Liberal Arts Scholarship for Study Abroad (700,000 JPY)
2)Ritsumeikan University Study Abroad Challenge Scholarship (300,000 JPY)
“Ritsumeikan University College of Global Liberal Arts Scholarship for Study Abroad” is an award-type scholarship (700,000 yen) designed to enhance the GLA’s educational goals by supporting its students studying abroad at ANU, and to apply student must read the application guidelines and regulations carefully. In addition, “Ritsumeikan University Study Abroad Challenge Scholarship” is a grant-type scholarship (300,000 yen) designed to encourage and support participation in / completion of overseas training, study abroad, or domestic exchange by subsidizing a portion of the expected cost, and to apply student must read the regulations carefully.
Both scholarships are only available to apply once when you are traveling to ANU. To receive both scholarships, you must submit all necessary documents (with no failure) appropriately by the designated deadline. Remind that there are no deadline extensions, and no excuses are accepted. Procedure details will be explained at the Pre-departure Session.